The following is an outline of some of the steps we are taking to keep your information and our networks safe:

SkyOak Wealth has contracted with AdvisorsTech for IT support. AdvisorsTech provides securitization of SkyOak computers, password management, secure SEC approved cloud storage management and more.

At SkyOak Wealth, we will never attach sensitive information in an email. Instead, we have contracted with Citrix to use ShareFile. ShareFile allows us to embed information into the body of an email as opposed to attaching it, thus creating a safer delivery to its intended recipient. You can also send data to us using ShareFile by piggy-backing on our relationship with Citrix at no cost to you.

We use two-factor authentication when accessing areas containing sensitive information. Two-factor authentication requires a one-time code (that expires quickly if not used ) in addition to a username and password. This code can only be attained through a proper channel. We also use random passwords containing many different characters including a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. All of our passwords are securely maintained in an encrypted vault.

SkyOak Wealth uses Microsoft Office365 Advanced Threat Protection as our email security measure. This cloud-based solution provides email Anti-SPAM, AntiVirus, Email Bagging (Continuity), and more to help protect our email system and mailboxes against sophisticated malware campaigns in real time.

WatchGuard Unified Threat Management Firewall is the solution SkyOak Wealth is using for Internet and Network Border Protection. This provides intelligent multi-layer Internet traffic filtering including Traditional Firewall, Intrusion Protection, and Content AV Scanning.

OpenDNS Umbrella is our solution to Domain Name System (DNS) security. OpenDNS Umbrella provides real-time content security by filtering DNS requests. The key application is ransomware traffic filtering.

BitDefender provides AntiVirus and AntiMalware protections for all of our computers and servers.

SolarWinds Patch Manager (Delivered through N-Central RMM Platform) is the solution that SkyOak Wealth has selected for “Patch Management”. Its main benefit is to provide automated and managed patching of software updates for Microsoft products along with 20 other common applications like Java, Adobe, Firefox, and many more.

SkyOak Wealth runs daily data backups through ArcServe UDP. These image-based encrypted backups run daily and AES256 encrypted backup data is replicated offsite daily as well helping our recovery in the event of a system failure or breach. In addition, we complete an annual recovery testing of our entire server backup to verify the integrity of the offsite backup copies.
In addition to data and IT security, we also take asset protection very seriously, and employ three levels beyond typical asset allocation to protect client assets. Through our relationship with TD Ameritrade, all TDA accounts regardless of size have access to one of the highest levels of asset protection in the industry (all at no cost to you). This means you will be reimbursed for cash or securities lost from your account as a result of unauthorized activity. Guaranteed. No questions asked.

FDIC Insurance: Certificates of Deposits (CDs) purchased through TD Ameritrade are issued by banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). In addition, cash in your account can be held in a TD Ameritrade FDIC Insured Deposit Account (IDA). Balances in this IDA are insured by FDIC against bank failure up to $250,000 per depositor, per bank (TD Bank N.A., and TD Bank USA N.A.). Each bank will have separate FDIC coverage of up to $250,000 per depositor for up to $500,000 total per IDA.

SIPC Insurance: TD Ameritrade, Inc. is a member of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). Securities are protected up to $500,000.

Additionally, TD Ameritrade provides each and every client $149,500,00 worth of protection for securities and $2,000,000 of protection for cash through supplemental coverage provided by Lloyds of London.

Please note that these policies offer protection from unauthorized activity and brokerage failures / insolvency. They do not protect against loss in market value.